Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The World Today

I received a phone call this week from an individual that I have worked with in the autism community. She has several children, one of which has severe autism. She is a single parent. She is muslim. She called to ask for help because she is receiving death threats for supporting terrorists. I didn't know how to respond. I still am at a loss for words. Somehow I managed to tell her that I was sorry for how she was treated, that she was a great person and parent. I then offered myself as a way to help, since I had no resources to help in this area. She said that knowing that I didn't judge her was enough help.

I plead for you to look at your actions. Muslims aren't the enemy. Terrorists are... and they are already here in America. They are the ones committing mass shootings; over 1000 have occurred since January 2013 resulting in over 1250 American deaths. (

Some people don't want the refugees here because we have our own issues to deal with in America. There are currently 600,000 homeless people(Source: wikipedia) in the United States. For those who use this excuse, when was the last time you donated to a pantry or sat on the foodline at a shelter handing out food? Guess what, if we really wanted to help our homeless, lets start putting them in one of the 18 million empty homes in America. That's a good place to start. Or.... 

As some people say, where would these refugees go? How about in one of those 18 million empty homes? 

If you are one of those that say, I don't want my tax dollars paying for welfare, please consider that of your tax dollars taken monthly, only $85 dollars goes to welfare programs. That's it. $85. That's not that much, and if that means one family and children can go without being hungry, even if there are a few bums in the bunch, it's worth it. (and in case you didn't know where the rest of your tax dollars go... ( 

So let's see, we have 18 million open homes, we have $85 dollars a month, per person, to help those that need it, and we think we don't have enough resources to go around for all? Something isn't adding up here. 

Then there are the people that come out and just admit it: They are afraid. But here's the thing:The more fearful we are, the more we give up pieces of ourselves, the more those people win.Bad things happen all the time and can happen anywhere. You can't control it.  I choose to live my life, without fear. If it ends tomorrow, so be it, but i won't restrict who I am and what I love to succumb to fear. I don't want to have my freedom and liberty extinguished because of fear either. Ben Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I feel this to my core. You are NEVER completely safe, so why give up your liberties and freedoms for additional safety?

Finally, not a point against having them here, I have to address the fact that this is completely against our American ideals. This is America; the land of opportunity. The place where our ancestors came to escape religious persecution and establish a country that valued life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..... but yet we won't let refugees from Syria here because they are muslim. Does that make sense? And if it does, you should be ashamed. If it doesn't and you still think they shouldn't be here for any number of reasons, please see above. 

I know some will disagree with me. That's ok. All I ask is for you to NOT be ignorant. Don't believe what the media tells you, or fails to convey. USE YOUR BRAINS. Stop perpetuating ignorance and hate by learning something TRUE. 

Finally, don't be afraid. If you are living your life right, there is no reason to be afraid.Love always wins.